
Saturday 16 August 2014


Last week I went to visit Barcelona for the day before travelling to a different part of Spain. It was an absolutely incredible city. The Food was amazing, I ate classic Spanish tapas which were delicious! So here are some pictures from the day, taken on a Canon EOS 60D, with some captions explaining my thoughts on the photos!


To be honest, Barcelona Zoo was one of the best zoos I've ever been to, they had amazing animals and great facilities, which made my experience there thoroughly enjoyable. Here are some highlights! 

PENGUINS. I need around 6 penguins as pets please and thank you.
An especially fabulous picture of a penguin.
The zebras were so super cool, it was incredible to see them in the flesh.
Flamingos are so fascinating, and for the record most of the time they're standing on two legs.
The seals were SO cute, they are very immobile out of water which is hilarious.
The meerkats were were adorable, and very willing posers.
Here's a very sweet wallaby with her baby.
ELEPHANTS. WOW. That is all.

Bison are my favourite animals, so it was extremely exciting to see them in real life for the first time.


Well wow. The Sagrada Familia is easily one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. It is a large Roman Catholic church designed by Antoni Gaudi, a catalan architect. The church is incomplete, Gaudi dedicated his last years to the project and wow. It was incredible, I can't even find the words to describe the scale of how amazing it was, I was in total and utter awe. So, here are some pictures to try and justify how insanely amazing it was for you

The style of the church is very gothic, I thought the designs looked like child had designed it, the swirling staircases and pillars each made out of a different type of stone really gave off that impression.

For more information on the Sagrada Familia go to: OR

So yes, overall Barcelona was an amazing city, with lovely people. I had a great time and would love to go back to see more of the city when I'm not on such a tight schedule.


  1. Amazing photos! Those meerkats are so cute <3
    I nominated you for a Liebster Award! :)

  2. I've nominated you to do the Liebster award.
    Check it out on my blog here

  3. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa
